Mar 29, 2023
THIS IS IT…LAST HOURS > to join Selling with Soul™ {{Enrollment will be closed until 2024}} This is my signature 5-week live program to teach you how to sell in a way that feels good to you and your ideal clients. Details + Student Results + Join HERE.
>> To Apply for the ½ Scholarship, see details below <<
New special mini-series, where I will be unveiling the unconventional money hacks that have helped me bank millions of dollars. Keep in mind, I started out making 17K a year as a TV journalist, so what I’m sharing with you can be applied to any income level, yes even if you are in debt.
In part four, the final episode of this powerful mini-series I’m unveiling for the first time ever, the spending and saving hacks that have changed my life.
After coaching well over 150-thousand people from all over the world, I’ve gathered a ton of clinical data on the human mind and human behaviors as they related to money and success.
What I found is people tend to resist adjusting their habits and actions around money for one of three reasons: They don’t want to feel controlled; they believe they will have to sacrifice the things that give them pleasure; and/or they are stuck in “doom” thinking, and don’t believe it is possible for them to ever reach their goal, let alone getting ahead financially.
I had the same resistance in all three areas. But, I knew the benefit of becoming financially free, so I said, “there has got to be another way to do this!”
That inner rebel I have is how most of my million-dollar plans have started because she refuses to believe there isn’t a different way, a better way, an easier way, a less painful way, a more effective and efficient way.
And there is. Be prepared to have your money story change forever.
½ Scholarship for Selling with Soul™ instructions:
Spring applications are open for my Exclusive 2-Month Private Business Coaching program: Private Coaching Application
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