Jan 13, 2021
Time to drop the guilt around asking for money.
Why is it that many of you are super zealous and zero fu*ks about helping people for free, but as soon it time to go into launch-mode and charge people, you energetically shrink down into a mushroom-size version of your incredible self ????
Most of you probably answered with, “I know I do this, but I don’t know why.”
I’ll tell you….It’s because when you are doing something for free, there are very low expectations. I mean, how can anyone get that mad at you if you are simply being of such service and helping for free, right??!!!
As soon as it’s time for you to launch, charge, share your prices, have a sales call…it becomes terrifying, because there is a belief and fear that you won’t be able to deliver for them, or get them the results they desire, and then you will be to blame.
If you feel like I’m inside of your brain, go listen to this podcast episode. Time to step into your zero fu*ks zone around money.
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Welcome to ProjectME the Podcast with your host Tiffany Carter,
who takes the mystery out of making BIG money. A former NBC and CBS
TV journalist, turned multi-millionaire entrepreneur, teaching you
all things wealth, health, worth, and business. You can follow
Tiffany on Instagram @projectme_with_