Jun 25, 2018
Rachel Olson (find her online at www.shesgonebananas.com)
Rachel is the Owner of the custom baking business She’s Gone Bananas. She’s also a mom, a wife, and still holds a full-time job.
In this interview, Rachel shares how she turned her passion for baking into a business. Like many of you, she had to start this business on the side, her motivation and determination is contagious.
“The real drive here is hustle and passion and I like nice things, LOL. In all seriousness, I just want to inspire people. I want people to at least try and if they fail, at least they can say they tried. I've failed a lot, I've tried multiple businesses. I even claimed for years and years that I wasn't a baker and now look at me! Once I stopped listening to the people telling me "I can't" and listened to my calling it all clicked.”
You can also connect with Rachel via Facebook at www.facebook.com/shesgonebananas. Instagram @shesgonebananas.
As promised in the episode, Rachel’s unique “must have” cleaning products can be bought at http://rachelolson.norwex.biz/.