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ProjectME with Tiffany Carter – Entrepreneurship & Millionaire Mindset

Nov 30, 2022

 Sample profitable caption template for you: 

This probably goes without saying, but keep in mind there isn’t any magical caption that will convert into cash if the foundations of your business aren’t set up. 

However, I have many business owners who come to be with the foundations set who are leading HEAVY MONEY on...

Nov 28, 2022

Find your Money Making Niche

You are the niche, honey. 

Whether you have a personal brand, a store, or a service-based business, the common denominator is YOU. 

  • YOU are the founder.
  • YOU are the representative. 
  • YOU are the leader.
  • YOU hold the vision for your business. 

If you’re stumped on this whole...

Nov 23, 2022

 On average I make 10k a week passively…here’s the tea:

While this all sounds super sexy…I mean who wouldn’t want to wake up to payment notifications, and fresh cash in the bank?! 

Everyone wants this, but few are willing to do what actually works. 

It’s no different than admiring another person's...

Nov 21, 2022

Be an intentional entrepreneur, not a sometimes entrepreneur.

If you want to make major BOSS-LEVEL cash in your business then major boss moves are required. 

It still blows my mind that people complain about their audiences not growing, they aren’t getting clients, and “nothing is working,” yet when I ask them to...

Nov 16, 2022

How I went from 17k a year to having millions in the bank:

Many people assume this is a complex equation because most of us were taught that having this level of wealth requires great sacrifice and unique talents that only a small percentage of people can achieve. 

I thought this too. 

The secret is a simple answer,...